Protect All Women

I saw a twitter video yesterday where allegedly, a Muslim MMA fighter brutally kicked a ring girl because he was offended by what she was wearing. After losing the fight, he got beat up by the crowd. The comments were ablaze with how much real men hate women beaters.

Actually, he didn’t brutally attack her. He sort of tapped her with a kick on her leg. It didn’t even knock her off balance. If this was his attempt at a brutal attack, then this guy should never come near a MMA ring. While i think it was in poor taste that he kicked her, the reaction of the comments sort of had me shook. The comments were full of people who over reacted, imho to this “brutal attack.”

Again, I thought the kick was in poor taste. I mean even IF in his country/culture, the women aren’t scantily clad….when in “ROME” you respect their customs and traditions. I personally don’t believe that you should go around touching people without their consent….even if it was a playful/passive aggressive tap.

I was a bit surprised by the comments where it seemed that most people were outraged. I wasn’t even mildly disturbed and honestly my first thought was, “what did she do to him.” I’m wondering if I’ve just seen women do too many grimy things to men only to play the victim when he retaliates against her. Being a victim of this several times in my life, I no longer feel this need to be ‘overprotective’ of women and give them the benefit of the doubt when I see these types of things. Unless I know her personally as person who doesn’t start shit with people.

Again, I think he was wrong for that and it was in poor taste. But for me it was just another “well damn” shoulder shrug type of situation.

I’m thinking that the world hasn’t really caught on to modern ‘red pill’ thought when it comes to women and it’s a bit eye opening to realize that for the most part….it seems that most of the world still has a ‘blue pill’ …..believe all women, all women are innocent, delicate creatures who can’t do any wrong type of mentality.

I used to believe this and had an overprotective mentality at some point in my life. But I’ve seen and know too much now. I tend to suspend my judgement these days into waiting to see both sides of the story. I know that some men are really animals and do deserve the judgment/punishment that befits their accusations. I do also know that some women tend to “poke the bear” because society has given them a pass to pretty much do whatever they want to a man while maintaining their innocence. There are typically no consequences; legally or socially when women abuse, lie on, falsely accuse, or instigate problems with men. I understand that historically, women have gotten a bad deal when it comes to these domestic issues, but it seems that pendulum has shifted too far and instead of simply correcting the issue, it has over corrected it. You have a lot of western women now taking liberties that aren’t fair and unfairly overplaying their position. Some really don’t believe that they should be held accountable for their actions simply because they are women. We live in this weird era where a lot of women still feel like victims despite having the law, society, and the court of public opinion heavily favoring their side of the story.

I’m just really surprised at the comments. Moreso how my views are so radically different than so many of the people in the comments. I saw a distasteful tap where as others saw a ‘brutal attack’ because a woman was involved.

It’s probably irony that I feel more like a feminist at this point. I believe in ‘equality’. This works both ways in my opinion. Here in the west, it seems that a lot of women want equality, but only when it works in their favor. It’s like many want equal treatment, but not equal responsibility. As a man, I cannot allow my emotions to get the better of me and act out of them because the consequences could be extremely dire. it’s like a lot of women can act an ass simply because “she’s emotional”.

I expect women to respect me in the same way that they want me to respect them. This is why when I see a woman start a fight with man and put her hands on him, disrespect him, spit on him, or anything else…..It’s hard to have the sympathy when he pushes her through the sheet rock. Not saying that he should exact all of his strength onto her (and I’m being generous with this), but he should be able to check her enough to let her know that “shit ain’t sweet over here” and that that behavior is unacceptable. I mean, if I walked up to a 6 foot 5, 260lb bouncer, smacked him in the face because I didn’t like what he said to me, and he hulk smashed me though the concrete, I’m pretty sure no one would feel sorry for me or even ask for a back story as to why I smacked him. They’d either assume I had it coming, or at the very least call me stupid for testing my life like that.

A few months ago, there as a viral story of a woman who accused a man of hitting her in the face because she refused to give him her number. She claimed that noone helped her as he “brutally attacked” her. There was a huge outcry against him and of course women and many men came to her defense. When I saw her interview, she reminded me of a few toxic women I’ve known and my first thought was that she’s probably lying.

Come to find out, someone had a video and she was instigating some guy, people who know her says that it’s not uncommon for her to “start stuff” with people, and that this wasn’t the first time she tried to scam people by playing the victim after being an instigator.

It’s even to the point now where when women talk about how bad their ex’s were to me, I no longer just take her word for it. Not saying that i necessarily don’t believe her, but I take it with a grain of salt. Especially if I get a certain vibe from her. In the past though, I used to pretty much take the woman’s side in whatever she said. She was innocent til proven guilty and men were guilty until proven innocent when it came to those types of situations.

I’ve gone through, experienced first hand, heard other men’s testimonies, and seen too much evidence on social media at this point to just take what she says as truth. It’s going to be interesting to see if other cultures how haven’t experienced this radical pendulum shift will keep that same energy if these modern times ever catch up with them.

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